The Celebrity Ascent is a magnificent ship that fuses elegance with first-class amenities, offering an unparalleled experience on the high seas. From its spacious outdoor decks to its luxurious interiors, every nook and cranny is designed for comfort and style. With a variety of dining options ranging from gourmet dishes to international flavors, as well as a wide range of entertainment including theatrical performances, live music and nightclubs, the Celebrity Ascent promises an unforgettable experience for travelers seeking exciting adventures and indulgent moments of relaxation during their vacation.
聖馬丁是位於加勒比海東北部的一個島嶼,大約在波多黎各東邊300公里處。它是兩個國家分治的最小的有人居住的海島,分治的歷史可以追溯到1648年。南部的荷蘭區域包括荷屬聖馬丁,是組成荷蘭王國的四個構成國之一。北部的法國區域包括聖馬丁集體(Collectivité de Saint-Martin),是法國的海外集體。