Embark on a unique experience aboard the majestic Independence of the Seas and discover a world of excitement in the middle of the Caribbean. From exciting activities such as surfing in the FlowRider simulator, to participating in epic laser battles in Battle for Planet Z, this ship offers a wide variety of entertainment for all ages. Enjoy delicious food and innovative drinks at the Playmakers Sports Bar & Arcade, where you can watch your favorite sports and play our selection of arcade games. In addition, you can explore exotic destinations and exciting shore excursions that allow you to immerse yourself in the culture and natural beauty of each place you visit. Whether you want to relax in a luxurious spa, enjoy the lively nightlife onboard or simply take in the breathtaking views from the deck, Independence of the Seas® invites you to experience an unforgettable vacation as you explore the wonders of the Caribbean.
ビーゴは大西洋上のスペインの自治体であるガリシアのポンテベドラ県に位置する市および自治体です。 Porta do Solはショッピングセンターの歴史的地区であり、ビーゴの多くの文化センター、近代美術館、芸術の基礎の場所です。ラプラヤデサミルはビーゴで最大のビーチであり、ラガレス川の河口の場所です。 Las Islas Cies(The Cies諸島)は、スペインのガリシアにあるPontevedraの海岸のすぐそばに位置しています。これらの島々は1980年に自然保護区に指定され、2002年には大西洋ガリシア国立公園にも追加されました。本当に素晴らしい街、それは美しい環境と共に暖かい歓迎を提供します。それは、水の改革、素晴らしい景観、そして親しみやすい雰囲気とともに、旅慣れた旅行者でも本当にユニークな家に帰ることができるでしょう。
O preço inclui cabine na categoria escolhida e limpeza diária do mesmo.
Acesso e uso de instalações, participação em todos os programas e atividades de entretenimento.
Exclusivo entretenimento da Royal Caribbean, como: Cats, Grease, Mamma Mia, Saturday Night Fever, shows de patinagem no gelo e shows no Aquatheater (no caso do navio dispor das instalações).
PENSÃO COMPLETA, com a possibilidade de escolher entre restaurantes de luxo, restaurantes informais ou pizzarias e bebidas como Agua, Limonada e chá gelado.
Serviços médicos
Compras a bordo
Seguro de Viagem
Internet a bordo
Serviços de spa e salão de beleza
Gorjetas/Taxas de serviço a pagar no final do cruzeiro.
Restaurantes de especialidades.
Bebidas alcoólicas e refrigerantes
Excursões em terra. Fotografias durante o Cruzeiro.