7 nights. France, Spain, Italy
From 743 € Average per person

7 nights. France, Spain, Italy

Departure from: Genova, Italy
743 €
Average per person
Taxes and tips included
743 €
Average per person
Taxes and tips included
Cruises MSC Cruises MSC Orchestra
MSC Orchestra
See ship
On the MSC Orchestra, no one is indifferent. Travelling on board means experiencing an explosion of emotions and adventures, including running on a running track, enjoying a rejuvenating steam bath, dining at the Shanghai Chinese restaurant, relaxing in the exotic Savannah Bar decorated with animal images, the luxurious Purple Bar, or indulge in Hollywood glamor at the elegant Zaffiro Bar. MSC Orchestra is much more than a cruise ship, much better than a dream.
Bilmen gereken:
  • Bağlantı noktalarının sırası kalkış tarihine bağlı olarak değişebilir.
  • Tam kalkış ve varış saatleri için seyahat programınızı kontrol edin. Saatler limanın yerel saatine karşılık gelir. Güzergahlar önceden haber verilmeksizin herhangi bir zamanda değiştirilebilir.
Biniş ve iniş
  • Güvenlik nedeniyle, tüm yolcuların kalkıştan 2 saat önce gemiye binmesi gerekmektedir.
  • Karaya çıkmak genellikle gemi yolculuğunun son gününde yanaştıktan 2 saat sonra başlar.
Tarih seçmeÇift kişilik odada yolcu başı fiyat / Dahil edilen vergiler
NOTA: Si estàs interessat en més d’una cabina, has de fer tantes reserves com el nombre de cabines que vulguis. * En cas d’haver rebut algun tipus de promoció o avantatge per a Newlyweds Travel, es requerirà un document oficial que acrediti el recent matrimoni de la parella.

Descobreix els avantatges de les tarifes

Bella Experiència

L’experiència ’Bella’ és una opció de gran valor per gaudir de les comoditats de la vida a bord d’un vaixell elegant i modern. Les sales d’estat de la categoria ’Bella’ estan garantides a les sales d’estat. Podreu gaudir de piscines, un gimnàs al terrat d’última generació i instal·lacions esportives a bord. Animació a l’estil de Broadway i una completa agenda d’activitats diàries, i gaudireu d’una gran varietat de restaurants que serveixen una excel·lent cuina mediterrània i internacional. Inclou un bufet gurmet obert les 20 hores del dia.

Experiència Fantástica

La comoditat i la flexibilitat són les claus de l’experiència ’Fantastica’, que ofereix tots els beneficis de la ’Bella’, a més d’una varietat de privilegis addicionals. Tria la cabina i la coberta en què vols viatjar i gaudeix d’un esmorzar gratuït a la teva cabina. Esmorzar gratuït a la cabina. Diverteix-te amb activitats per a tota la família.

Experiència Aurea

Deixa que el benestar, el mim i la tranquil·litat prenguin protagonisme en el teu creuer. A més de tots els avantatges de ’Bella’ i ’Fantastica’, les tarifes ’Aurea’ ofereixen una sèrie de beneficis per a la relaxació del cos i la ment. Evitar l’estrès gràcies a l’embarcament prioritari. Dirigiu-vos directament a la vostra sala d’estat, on trobareu una selecció de productes de benestar gratuïts. Podreu gaudir d’accés il·limitat a la zona de spa.

Experiència MSC Club Nàutic

Compendi d’elegància i luxe al mar, MSC Yacht Club t’ofereix una experiència de creuer inigualable. Les suites són luxoses, el servei de majordom les 24 hores i la recepció exclusiva són només el començament. El restaurant reservat ofereix àpats a la carta amb tot inclòs que se serveixen a l’hora que preferiu, begudes il·limitades i accés exclusiu a The One Sun Deck i Top Sail Lounge. També podreu accedir gratuïtament a la zona de spa.

Què s’inclou?

  • Gratuities (service fee) are included in the final price of your reservation. The amount varies depending on the itinerary, age of the passenger, number of nights, among other factors. This fee is charged to all passengers over the age of 2.
  • Full-board cruise, featuring a gourmet buffet open from 6:00 AM to 2:00 AM.
  • Elegantly equipped cabins with a convertible double bed into two single beds, air conditioning, wardrobe, private bathroom with shower or bathtub, interactive TV, telephone*, wireless internet connection*, minibar*, and safe. *Usage not included.
  • All entertainment activities, including games, competitions, dance contests, themed nights, and theater shows. Entertainment activities for children starting at 3 years old. Trainers available in the gym, volleyball, and jogging track with stunning views. Pools and whirlpool, relaxation room.
  • Kids Clubs for different age groups, providing specialized services and entertainment activities for children from 0 to 17 years old.
  • Themed days and nights such as White Party, Flower Power Party, Talent Show, Gala Night.
  • Two different Broadway-style shows every night, along with entertainment activities.
  • Indoor pools (available on select ships) and outdoor pools with scheduled activities.
  • Bars with live music and nightclubs (consumption not included).
  • State-of-the-art gym equipped with the finest Technogym® facilities.
  • Entry to the fully equipped casino, open until the early hours.

Què NO s’inclou?

  • Access and services to the Spa, except for the thermal area access in Aurea and Yacht Club categories. Due to health and safety regulations, some services may be limited.
  • For departures from the United States, if you wish to order a second dish from any of the various sections available on the menu in the included restaurants, an additional fee of 5 dollars per dish will be charged.

Yardıma mı ihtiyacınız var?

Size hiçbir yükümlülük altına girmeden tavsiyede bulunuyoruz.
Biz Sizi Arayalım
MSC Orchestra Kategorileri
Görüntü yalnızca temsilidir; boyut, düzen ve mobilyalar değişebilir (aynı devlet odası kategorisinde).
MSC Orchestra Özellikleri
Barlar ve Salonlar
Çocuk yüzme havuzu
Gece kulübü
Spor salonu
24 saat hizmet
Seyir hızı
2,290 düğümleri
Kabin sayısı
Kabin içi kamara kapasitesi
Dış kabin sayısı
Dolu -luk
Yüzme Havuzları

MSC Orchestra gemisinde mevcut olan diğer gemi yolculukları

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